First place: Jason Kolnos and Eric Williams, Cape Cod Times

About this entry: “Get out there and tell stories!” That’s what drives Jason Kolnos and Eric Williams, the duo behind CapeCast – the daily webcast of the Cape Cod Times. Their stories about people, places and things on Cape Cod and the Islands are always informative and often humorous and zany, such as finding the snowy owls that made Cape Cod their winter home in 2014, a rare occurrence. And for the last five years, they bolted to Martha’s Vineyard for two weeks to cover President Barack Obama’s summer vacation.

View more from Cape Cast on Twitter and YouTube

Quirky, smirky, engaging. What’s not to love? Humor is a powerful unifier and this set of activities makes me want more. It’s a little like taking the fun newsroom banter out into the real world. Aces!

Second place: Justine Griffin, formerly of The Herald-Tribune

About this entry: Justine Griffin utilizes digital tools to bolster her reporting. Her video diaries for Cost of Life document her experience throughout a difficult process while her Storify package on a new mall grand opening provides readers with real time updates.

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Online projects: Mall’s grand opening on Storify, Cost of Life, What’s In Store blog entries

Her Storify coverage of the grand opening was pretty cool and the Cost of Life series is very engaging and thorough. Good job!

Third place: Michael Quine, Las Vegas Review-Journal

About this entry: Judges praise Michael Quine’s video quality, comparing it to something you might see on television. Here, he highlights Nevada’s people and culture from poetry writing cowboys to the retelling of a historic Beatles concert to a Vietnam veterans story.

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View online: Cowboys from Nevada and beyond blaze trails through poetry, song and art, Las Vegas Beatles fans: A day in the life, Las Vegas veteran helps tell Charlie Company’s story of Vietnam War

Follow Michael on Twitter @Vegas88s

These are network TV quality, which is not normally a thing we rank, but really well done video that compels viewers to watch it all are here. Very. Well. Done.