First place: Derek Dueker, The Daily Guide

Follow Derek on Twitter @DerekDuekerWDG

The two basketball player profiles are handled well. Writer clearly knows the kid who signed with Indiana and knows how to go deep into a subject when the occasion calls for it.

Second place: Andy Harris, The Suburbanite

“Andy Harris is an exceptional writer who has grown significantly in his craft since joining The Suburbanite staff two years ago. He can tackle nearly any subject, but has developed the unique ability to find a story within a story. As a weekly publication, game coverage is nearly impossible as stories become obsolete so quickly. He has found a way to turn everyday coverage in evergreen features.”

Follow Andy on Twitter @aharrisBURB

Good touch on features. For track athlete profile, he features the girl’s artistic talents. For kicker profile, he gets inside the kid’s head about preparing for pressure. He also dares to be different with rugby coverage. This entry stands out from all of the standard and old game recaps done by writers who seem to forget they’re working for a weekly.

Third place: John Curtis, Dodge City Daily Globe

Curtis shows a good flair for finding features. Strongest entry is about the kid overcoming arthritis to play. Feature on disabled volleyball coach needed to dig a bit deeper and include other voices.